For words that wow

Tone of Voice.

Looking for effective written content that will really let your brand shine? Then you’ve come to the right place. I’m here to help your company find its voice by writing copy that captures your brand identity while also translating your texts into English or German, as needed. 

Aufnahme einer handgemachten Tasse mit einem Schaf auf einem grünen Hügel, im Hintergrund eine Frau in gelbem Pullover.
Content that works

Personality is everything

Text is a powerful medium – but, for a variety of reasons, most people struggle to unlock its full potential.

Boring boilerplate content offers very little in terms of added value. In order to be effective, great writing requires a few key elements – personality and strong wording, for example. It also needs to be tailored to your target audience and meet people where they are.

That’s why, when it comes to corporate communication, I always advocate for MORE: more insight, more creativity and, most importantly, more personality.

My services

How can I help you?

Idiomatic translations

… from German into English, English into German, and French into German.

Creative copywriting

… for website content, social media, blog posts and more.

Custom style guides

… that make sure your content follows your unique tone of voice.


My favourite projects

We all know the proof is in the pudding.

So if you want to make sure I can do what I promise, check out my portfolio with sample transcreation and copywriting projects to find out how I solved a few tricky challenges.

Blick von oben auf eine Frau, die am Laptop arbeitet und zu deren Füßen ein beiger Hund mit schwarzer Schnauze liegt, welcher in die Kamera blickt.
Eine Frauenhand hält einen Holzkugelschreiber und schreibt in ein oranges Notizbuch.
Birgit Spalt-Zoidl liegt kuschelnd mit ihrem Hund auf einer bunten Decke und strahlt in die Kamera.

Will we work well together?

Dogs or cats? Books or films? Cooking or takeaway?

For a successful partnership, it’s important that we get along – so I’d like to introduce myself. Find out more about me and how I can take your project to the next level.

From me to you

My latest blog posts

Outsourcing your website copy – what’s important?
Outsourcing your website copy to a professional copywriter is a great idea – but how can you ensure the texts turn out great?
Building Brand values - Diversity
Building brand values with the help of a style guide
Making your brand values part of your company's DNA can be hard – but a style guide can make it a tad easier.
Image of five very different people sitting on a bench, holding up colourful speech bubbles.
What is a tone of voice and why do you need one?
This article defines the term tone of voice and explains how your company can profit from having its own.

Got questions or want to work with me?

Birgit Spalt-Zoidl lächelt freundlich in die Kamera.
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