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Infos, thoughts,
case studies ...

Welcome to my blog! Here you’ll find answers to questions like “Why does my company need a style guide?”, examples of companies that are doing tone of voice right, or explanations for why even the best AI can’t write effective advertising slogans.

Ready to browse? Have fun!

The #1 Communication issue in website copy
This one's for you if you're wondering about all the bad website copy out there and how you can avoid poor communication yourself.
AI and copywriting
Can AI can do your copywriting, and do it well? Short answer: no. Long answer: read this article. 😉
Robot confused by a globe
Can AI translate?
Have you been wondering whether AI can translate or not? Check out this article for the answer.
AI-generated image of a robot working as a copywriter.
AI in the language industry
Find out how AI is used in the language industry, what some pitfalls are and where they come from.
Outsourcing your website copy – what’s important?
Outsourcing your website copy to a professional copywriter is a great idea – but how can you ensure the texts turn out great?
Building Brand values - Diversity
Building brand values with the help of a style guide
Making your brand values part of your company's DNA can be hard – but a style guide can make it a tad easier.
Image of five very different people sitting on a bench, holding up colourful speech bubbles.
What is a tone of voice and why do you need one?
This article defines the term tone of voice and explains how your company can profit from having its own.
Vier Menschen in Anzügen von hinten, alle sind bunt und mit verschiedenen Frisuren.
Farewell, professionalism trap: showing personality in business
Find out how to avoid the professionalism trap and let your brand's personality shine.
Nahaufnahme einer in oranges Papier gewickelten Rolle Klopapier der Marke Who Gives A Crap mit englischsprachiger Aufschrift, dass es sich hierbei um die Notfall-Rolle handelt und es an der Zeit ist, wieder Klopapier nachzubestellen.
Tone of voice done right: Who Gives A Crap
Case study showing how the company Who Gives A Crap nails their tone of voice.
Das Bild zeigt eine blonde Frau, die buntes Konfetti von einem Buch in Richtung Kamera bläst.
Word confetti – or how to create impact with linguistic devices & style elements
Find out more about the word confetti I like to sprinkle over my writing.
Das Bild zeigt einen Laptop-Bildschirm, auf dem eine Mindmap zum Thema SEO zu sehen ist.
SEO in localisation – is translating keywords enough?
Find out more about SEO in localisation and why translating existing keywords isn't the best idea.

You like what you’ve read and might have a project for me?

Birgit Spalt-Zoidl lächelt freundlich in die Kamera.
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